How to install Windows XP (Integral Edition) in 2023 + Drivers + Recommended programs

Windows XP Integral Edition is one of the only custom Windows XP versions that are still getting frequently updated. Project started since 2008 and it is still getting updated. It brings all security updates up to 2019 (Windows Embedded POS Ready 2009’s ported updates), Network drivers for easier access to the internet, important stuff such as .NET Framework and Vistal B-C++ and few other useful programs. There is stuff that had been removed to save some space such as Internet games and most original wallpapers but it is what it is.

EverythingeeB’s survival guide (Just don’t use Avast or AVG please use PandaDome or MBAM): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIxLsqTRRe4&pp=ygUNZXZlcnl0aGluZ2VlYg%3D%3D
My XP from USB video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4_OYbp4Kqc&t=150s
My XP from CD video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut_oANC_vGE
2 best web browsers for XP (so far):

~~Windows XP Integral Edition can be found by googling “Windows XP Integral Edition” and selecting first link from Zone54/62/94.~~

0:00 Intro
01:11 Install process (To boot from CD/USB you have tutorials on my channel)
03:47 Integral Edition’s RunOnce setup and region and language settings
06:25 Installing all drivers using DriverBooster
09:59 Shoutout to EverythingeeB’s video and disabling Windows Update and Windows Firewall beacause we are not gonna need them
10:19 Rest of RunOnce’s software and recommended programs


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