
Acer XS Thriver Driver – A Fairway Seeking Demon – The Acer XS Thriver Driver is bound to be the hottest driver in 2013. We all know the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But somehow when we walk onto a golf course all logic instantly disappears. Your first hole may be a par 4 or 5 and you pull the big stick out of the bag expecting it to sail down the middle of the fairway. Without much warming up, you swing for the fences with all of the might you can muster and watch the ball fly through the air for what seems like an eternity and suddenly — BINGO — you hit the fairway. Only this time it wasn’t your own! If this sounds like you or your playing partners or even one of your customers then you will want to listen up.

Here is a fact — nearly half of all golfers will fail to break 100 for 18 holes. For those of average to above average strength, they will likely miss every single fairway (if they count only their own). Drives that fly 200 yards out and take a hard turn left or right by 40 yards does not count as a 240 driver either. Not only did that player lose potential distance, the ball might land in a hazard or on the next shot, you may have to try to hit around another obstacle. That is, of course, if the ball wasn’t OB or sitting in a large patch of poison ivy. I know, I am not painting a pretty picture, but this happens all of the time at golf courses everywhere.

With the advances in clubhead design, why do so many golfers still miss fairways on a regular basis? Here is another fact. Drivers today are all increasingly longer in length and lighter weight than even a few years ago. Why? So one can potentially swing the club faster and have more leverage to hit the ball further. It is true, advances in clubhead design have allowed the modern driver to be more forgiving on off-center shots, but it still comes down to the player making a good swing so the club face is pointed reasonably square toward the target upon impact.

If the solution sounds like lopping off some material off of the grip end then think again, because it is not that simple. That driver might be shorter, but that recently modified driver is even lighter in both overall weight and in the heft you have in your hands. You aren’t going to know where that club is during the swing or where the ball might land without a spotter. The analogy would be like trying to swing a feather. Of course the other option is pulling out the #3-wood, but what fun is that? Not to mention the smaller size is going to be less of a confidence builder when you need it most. No wonder this is such a hard game.

There is a simple solution to this for the vast majority of golfer that plays this great game. The answer is one of the best high lofted drivers in the golf industry, the Acer XS Thriver driver, now in it’s third generation! You might be asking, “Thriver…hmm, I am unfamiliar with that term.” Well if you combine the terms Three Wood + Driver you get Thriver or the best of both worlds when it comes to these two heads. Think about it, the modern deep face driver is approximately 3 times the size of a typical #3 wood creating a much higher moment of inertia making it in theory much more forgiving. Plus you have the large confidence building, thin face with the high COR right up to the legal limit for more distance. On the other hand, your #3-wood is more lofted and cuts down on some of the slice or hook spin plus shorter to enable you to have more control.

The Acer XS Thriver weighs a full 10g more than a normal driver to allow for a shorter (1″), more controllable length that now has the proper amount of weight in your hands. Plus that extra 10 grams of weight produces an even higher MOI for the ultimate in control off the tee to make this one of the best Acer golf drivers we have ever created. Unlike most 14 degree drivers on the market, the 2013 Acer Thriver doesn’t produce as high of a loft as you would imagine so the ball is going outward instead of up and dropping from the sky.

You can purchase the Acer XS Titanium Thriver custom made direct from Hireko Golf at Also you can request and download our new 2013 176 page golf equipment catalog here For other questions, call Hireko Golf at 800-367-8912.


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