What is RPT up to

Making it Real
Real Property Token are going to be right at the forefront of change as the world embraces Crypto. We are facilitating Peer to Peer projects to allow 2 or many people to come together to participate in projects. Using Smart Contracts and RPT, removing the need for lawyers and bankers, you can significantly increase the rewards you can make. We are there to support you and ensure that all transactions are carried out in a safe and secure fashion. We already have systems in place and projects ready to be undertaken. We are creating Workshops, and Meetups to learn more about RPT and Crypto. Experts in the finance, property, legal fields, who have a passion and knowledge of the crypto environment, will offer their wisdom. There are Masterclasses for those who want to advance their knowledge. Our platforms will enable all Token Holders the chance to interact, help each other, offer advice, have discussions, make decisions and find opportunities. And a Property Listing App for a global audience. We are not going to try to compete with the larger Listing companies (at the moment), we will just work alongside them. We’ve got our own ideas that are unique to the market, and will set us aside from others, as well as supply the clickthrough that will give us our growth. We have developed a plan for success, one that ensures we grow at a steady pace, and then as we grow we have some awesome ideas that as Token Holders you will have the opportunity to benefit from. You will be our support as we grow. Come along for the ride. From the Team at RPT.

Click this link to come and chat to us at https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@rptoken

Visit our website: https://www.rptoken.io/


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